Minnesota Master Naturalist

Course Registration

ADV - Winter Through a Hand Lens

Friends of Sax-Zim Bog, 8793 Owl Ave, Meadowlands, MN 55765 website

8793 Owl Avenue
Meadowlands, MN 55765

Hand lenses are a great way to investigate something up close and personal! Naturalists tend to have a hand lens in their bags, whether or not they use them, as a good way to take a closer look at a subject. In the winter there are still things to look at: snowflakes, insect tunnels in wood, lichens, tree ringsā€¦ the list goes on! Join us for a field trip, which will focus (literally!) on looking at things closely! Please bring a hand lens, and if you do not have one, we have a limited number to use at the Welcome Center (email Head Naturalist Clinton at naturalist@saxzim.org to reserve).

This field trip will include indoor and outdoor portions, so do dress accordingly. Please bring all manner of hand lenses, as it is useful to compare and contrast magnification for different purposes in the field and classroom. Bring a lunch, refillable water bottle (water is available for refills at the Welcome Center), and any cameras or notetaking materials you might need for the day.

The course cost is $45 and includes course manuals and supplies.

Course Dates:

Meeting from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. on:

Instructor Information

Clinton Dexter-Nienhaus

Sponsor Information

Friends of Sax Zim Bog

Register Now!

Seats Taken: 2 of 10

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